Tag Archives: muscle testing

Finding Fault

As the 4th of July holiday weekend approached, my wife, Kate, asked me about tackling a couple of little fix up jobs around the house.  She asked me innocently enough, starting out her request by acknowledging how hard I had … Continue reading

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Clearing Space: Divesting the “Good Stuff”

We’ve been hearing lately from many people who are gleefully engaged in “de-cluttering”.  What a great idea!  When things are piled up in our homes it can literally constrict the flow of healthy life force through our living spaces.  Whether … Continue reading

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Yes… but, Yes… if, Yes… Absolutely!

As Kate and I have continued to use Kinesiology to explore what in Life we are saying “YES” and “NO” to and shift them with our little head shaking and nodding healing process we’ve assembled, we have come face to … Continue reading

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Saying “YES!” to Life

Late yesterday afternoon, we had an unannounced visitor to The Mesa.  We had only just arrived ourselves, having done a drum making demonstration for the Academy of Lifelong Learning in Steubenville, OH in the morning and spending the first part … Continue reading

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It’s All in Your Point of View

Whatever you may think about the killing of Osama bin Laden, the timing of his death was remarkable.  It occurred only hours before the end of the Second Day of the Universal (Unity) level of the Mayan calendar on May … Continue reading

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