Seashell Healing and Seashell Divination Readings with Kate Silberberg
Find out what messages the sea creatures have for you with a seashell divination reading from artist and healer Kate Silberberg
Seashells are beautiful and good for more than just helping you “hear the ocean”. Seashells connect us to the ocean, and to water energy. Water is the element that represents our emotions. By being in contact with seashells, we open and activate our intuition and sensitivity. This allows us to be able express our imagination, and our creativity. When we are able to express and share our emotions and ideas, we begin to heal ourselves and have a greater impact on others and the healing of the planetary family. Every species of sea creature has its own message for us that offers guidance for our lives. By learning the meaning of the shells you are attracted to in a seashell divination reading you can learn more about yourself, the underlying themes of your current life circumstances, and possible outcomes for the future.
Seashells enable us to gain clarity and gain insight so that we might make better decisions and life choices. They support and guide us , and nudge us along our path to happiness and fulfillment. In a seashell divination “reading,” a person would select about 5 to 10 sea shells from the collection, paying particular attention to the shells that really stand out to them at the time. The inner mind and higher aspect of the person having the reading will guide them to more clearly “see” the shells that have a message for them at that time. The client then arranges them in such a way that makes sense to them, a row, or a circle, or other pattern. The reader then explains the messages, citing the possible interpretations (sometimes there are many) for those particular shells in that particular arrangement at that moment in time. Five different people could select the very same shells, and each receive a different message because of the way they position them in their arrangement. Shells selected at one reading might not even be noticed by the client at the next reading, because of what may have changed in their life since the previous one.
“Shells are gentle healers and messengers, and very powerful tools of transformation. Each seashell was created as its home by an individual animal who had their own package of DNA and their own consciousness. Each shell, therefore, has its own bundle of information to share with us. That information is waiting to be accessed whenever we hold a particular shell, or even just look at one in a photograph.
Seashell divination is a remarkable tool for self discovery and life illumination. I used to think that sea shells were merely beautiful objects from nature. As I continue to work with them, the shells show their true nature to me, revealing their healing nature and helpful spot-on messages. The accuracy of what the shells have to say amazes me and delights the people who seek their guidance.
Specific shells have at times just shown up before me with their particular messages at precisely the right time for me personally. I invite others to take notice of what shells they have in their homes and look into the personal messages and metaphysical meanings those shells hold for them.”
Seashell Divination reader and Seashell healer, Kate Silberberg
Here are just a couple of examples of the messages seashells reveal:
General Cone
General cone: May suggest it is time to “take charge” of a situation you have been hoping someone else would address. Conversely, it may suggest that it is time to “give up command “ of a situation, retreat or take cover… “circle the wagons”, or just plain, “lead by example”
Cabbage Murex
Cabbage murex (tri-color): May be trying to tell you that you always have a choice, possibly more than one choice in a situation, just like Neapolitan ice cream where you could choose from 3 flavors, or have them all.
Seashell readings are regularly available by appointment in the Mesa Healing Center and during Spirit Fairs at The Mesa and other local venues on our schedule. We can bring the shells to your healing center, spiritual center, or to your event at outside venues. Seashell readings are also available in your home for birthday parties, bridal or baby showers, or weekend get-togethers.
Seashell Reading Prices
Spirit Fairs: Usually, $20 for 20 minutes
At The Mesa by appointment: $65/one hour, $35/half hour
Home parties: $300 for 3 hrs, up to 6 individual 25 min. readings or a greater number of shorter readings plus travel fee if more than 30 min from The Mesa.
Call 724-947-3097 or email for more information or rates on other party packages.
Brad Silberberg is an artist and holistic healer who envisioned The Mesa Creative Arts Center and Mesa Healing Center as a place of awakening for art, healing, and spiritual expansion.
Mesa Creative Arts, Inc., 30 Miller Business Park Drive, Burgettstown, PA 15021 (724) 947-3097